Why Your Web Design Is Critical To Success Online

Web Design Is Important For Online Success

There are three key elements that work together to make your online presence successful. Your web design shouldn’t be thought of a separate, but as an integral part of your overall marketing strategy.

The way that your site is built and designed will impact how your site then performs in search, as well as how well it can convert your visitors into sales.

Three Key Online Elements

  1. Web Design
  2. SEO & Traffic Generation
  3. Traffic Conversion

If your website isn’t structured correctly, then no amount of SEO or social media marketing will drive much traffic, similarly, with a poor web design you will struggle to convert many if any of your visitors into real customers for your goods or services. How can you tell if your website is good or bad? Ask Deeho SEO MK for a free site audit and assessment and you will know without obligation.

What Is Good Web Design?

It’s best not to think of your web design as just how it looks in isolation. If your site looks great then it’s a good start, but without the basics in place you won’t have the foundations in place to allow it to really perform as well as it needs to in order to climb online & drive enough traffic for you to be profitable.

Online authority will drive your site up the rankings, ask OWL one way backlinks for more details.

Your website needs;

  • Fast hosting
  • Mobile friendliness
  • Canonical URL structuring
  • Sitemap formating
  • W3C compliance

If your site has these basics in place then you are on a firm footing. The next important metrics are content quality, navigation, contextual linking, external references, etc.

If your content is unique and well written then you stand a chance…… as long as your visitors like what you are writing??

If too many people hit the back button instead of ‘engaging’ with your content then Google especially will think your content isn’t suitable for whatever search you were found for. Learn about effective SEO and how to make your website work with seo-trainingcourses.com.

This has the effect of dropping your listing in SERP’s down the listings. Top Google rankings are essential to your success, talk to SEO³ for advice.

Weaknesses in web design will harm your rankings. Get your site checked for mobile compatibility and structure at CRWD Responsive Web Design and you will have the information you need to succeed online.

Traffic conversion is the process of converting your web visitors into actual customers, buying your goods or services.